Create Metaverse experiences experiences for Construction


Immersive Experiences
VR experience
Immersive experience
for Construction

Transforming Construction Through 3D Immersive

Teleport stakeholders into digitally replicated ultra-realistic construction sites through immersive 3D experiences. Construction firms can remotely demonstrate operations, train workers without risks and optimize plans via digital twins.

Solution providers can establish credibility by showcasing offerings at point of use with simulations. Shorten sales cycles by improving knowledge of your solutions and boost decisions through hyper-realistic visualizations.

Use cases

Virtual Tours of Sites

Provide a real-time view of operations across current and upcoming geographically distributed construction sites to overcome travel barriers. Enable clients and prospects to virtually tour progress.

Risk-free Immersive Training

Dramatically shorten the onboarding and capability building time for new skilled workers. Provide hands-on practice through simulations modelled on actual construction site conditions, heavy machinery operations and safety procedures - without real-world risks.

Construction Planning with Digital Twin

Make reliable decisions on construction budgets, processes redesigns and optimized timelines. Create connected digital twins of sites integrated with schedules. Model multiple operational 'what-if' scenarios accounting for local regulations, weather projections to visualize outcomes.

Interactive Equipment Demonstrations

Accelerate sales cycles for innovations in heavy machinery, automated tools, drones and more. Allow prospects to visually experience products deeply integrated into simulated construction site environments tailored to their segments. Provide self-guided exploration using product configurators.

Showcase Services Implementation

Go beyond brochures to establish capabilities around offerings like providing skilled contracted manpower, integrated security services, logistics orchestration and more. Demonstrate orchestration of resources delivering services in a 3D digital site replica representative of intended customer environments.

Showcase Tech in Action

Improve adoption of solutions like AI safety analytics, remote asset monitoring, collaborative workflows, 5G connectivity and more. Show fully functional implementations integrated into ultra-realistic 3D site walkthroughs demonstrating viability and value.

Our Solutions

Vmersive Demos

Start your journey with Vmersive a leading Immersive Experience Agency

We'll strategize with you to utilize 3D for your business, develop your use case, design 3D environments tailored to your brand, and plan engaging interactions to deliver memorable experiences to global audiences.

Loads in ~30 seconds from any browser, device

High quality visuals and fidelity

In-experience interactions and simulations

Spatial collaboration with 40+ people

AI capabilities like virtual representatives

CMS to manage experiences and content

Real-time user engagement analytics

Integrations with enterprise digital ecosystems

24/7 support from expert team

Why Vmersive?

End-to-end service

We provide comprehensive services - from use case development, design to execution.

Reusable experiences

Create once, use anywhere - for events, sales enablement, customer experience centers, and websites.

Agile and cost-effective

Our 50+ prebuilt worlds and interaction systems enable creating experiences in 3 weeks at 1/3 cost.

Industry experts

10+ years serving B2B enterprises. The in-house team across 3D design, animation, and more to deliver.

Let 2024 be the year we innovate.

Let’s build your immersive experiences together.

Let's Talk

Create Metaverse experiences experiences for Construction


Immersive Experiences
VR experience
Immersive experience
for Construction

The perfect pitch to sell

In construction it pays to follow a simple rule: the right tool for the right job. Meet Vmersive, a 3D immersive platform with ultra-realistic environments. With a fully functional construction site and virtual showroom, you can demonstrate your equipment, tech solution or operations in action – in hyper-realistic environments. And create limitless immersive experiences which are customizable, interactive, and accessible to prospects across the globe.    


dollars is the expected size of the Digital twin market by 2028.

*Source:  A recent report by Grand View Research
For construction and real estate companies
Supercharge your sales pitch

Show potential clients how you execute large scale projects with a virtual site tour.Demonstrate worker safety measurements, your quality checks, or how you drive operational excellence in an immersive Metaverse experience.

For enterprises selling products and services
Showcase equipment in action

Every construction site is different. Convince clients that your equipment is up to the job by providing a demo in a virtual space that matches their brief.

For tech and telecom providers
Connect people to your tech, with our tech

Do you sell super fast connectivity for remote construction sites? Or provide solutions for asset tracking, or wearable safety tech? Use Vmersive to show where – and how – your  solutions work, to boost your prospects’ confidence and close deals faster.

Build immersive experiences on demand, all in one platform

Meet as avatars in ultra-realistic immersive 3D environments. Showcase your products or tech-enabled intangible solutions. Interact and collaborate in real time. Dazzle your audience by activating their multi-sensory experience.

Create multi-sensory VR experiences that engage and excite your audience. Immerse them in a highly interactive virtual walkthrough. Showcase your products or tech-enabled intangible solutions.

Host interactive 3D experiences in ultra-realistic 3D environments. Showcase your solutions in an immersive way. Interact, engage and collaborate in real-time.

Prebuilt Digital Twins don’t fit your use case?

We can either build a custom 3D digital twin for you or import your existing 3D model into the Vmersive platform. This lets you craft immersive experiences using your digital twin.

Lets talk